About Twyla

Twyla is a content creator and social media director who communicates brand stories through powerful imagery and a consistent voice.

A Dallas-native, Twyla graduated from the Hockaday School in 2010. After high school, she moved to New York City, where she attended Barnard College, Columbia University. Twyla graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Conservation in 2014. Her senior thesis, The Porcelain Menagerie: Pursuing Natural Wonders of the Exotic Imagination, theorized that 18th century French artists evoked fantasies of the Orient to emphasize qualities of rarity, naturalism and luxury in their designs.

During her time in New York City, Twyla interned at companies including Christie’s Auction House, CollegeFashionista, Whitewall Magazine, Interview Magazine and Harper’s Bazaar.

After gaining professional experience in these positions, Twyla found her niche in conceptualizing, creating and overseeing digital content for lifestyle brands. Keeping in mind her clients’ goals, Twyla designs comprehensive programs that include digital marketing strategy, social media direction, copywriting and photography services to promote brand awareness and increase online sales.

Twyla lives in Dallas, TX with her three dogs and shoe collection. Her dream dinner party guest list would feature Wes Anderson, Madame de Pompadour, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Jane Goodall.
